View single post by Gregger
 Posted: Tue Jul 8th, 2008 06:31 pm
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Joined: Fri Sep 9th, 2005
Location: Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania USA
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caesarmascetti wrote: I would submit to you that there are far more warranties that are non transferrable, or tansferrable for a fee, than not. Regardless of the product not just in the watch industry. IWC and Omega that I know of do not honor warranties of anyone but the original buyer. Does that make these companies any less reputable? The only thing I see O7 as doing wrong regarding their warranty is that if the previous poster is accurate they changed their policy mid stream.  Short of that I see nothing wrong in giving the original buyer the one that actually contributed to the companies coffers preferential treatment regarding warranties. Just my opinion.
I could be wrong but being the owner of two AD did not fill in the warrenty cards and these are considered open....therefore, if I sell this watch to someone they can fill in the info and they will have the warrenty....At least that's what they say on the sales forums.....