View single post by Watchstuff
 Posted: Wed Mar 11th, 2009 08:14 pm
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Joined: Mon May 12th, 2008
Location: Bay Area, California USA
Posts: 426
Johnny - from what I understand you want long fleiger just to make sure you know all the options, here is a quick comparison of what we have left in stock...

Remember that these are all handmade, and so can vary a mm or so from one to the next, so the measurements are what I measured on these particular ones with the calipers...

Sorry about the horrific photo, but this is q&d, and I mean q&d! The  main things I want to point out are the differences in the regular and xl for the marine timer and the mocha buffalo, and the fact that the rustic, while the leather is similar to the marine timer, has the rivets and light brown stitching instead of the white stitching and the X design.  I hope that helps rather than further confuses things...we can still catch your order if you want to make a change based on this, as long as you let me know tonight!