View single post by RIKMEISTER
 Posted: Thu May 11th, 2006 12:03 am
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Joined: Thu Sep 8th, 2005
Posts: 246
i was looking to use it to go to work.  so i  thought the 250 was the most eco one.  but seems most think the 500R is better.  say the front brakes are too touchy on the 250R.  ever hear that.  the 500 is almost double the price of the 250.  and again not as good mileage but not bad.  i only have to drive like 7 blocks to work.  further to the hospital and post though.  thought i could just fill it up like every 3 weeks or once a month since it gets around 80mpg.  how heavy is the 750.  the 250 is like 308 lbs and i think the 500 is like 60 lbsmore.