View single post by scottran
 Posted: Fri May 22nd, 2009 12:52 pm
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Joined: Thu Jan 24th, 2008
Location: Southwestern Pa, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 2230
scottran wrote: Tony Duronio wrote: Hey buddy...I'm not the "sharpest" tool in the shed pun intended:D but will that be used to heat your home somehow, or is that for the Chickens?...Workshop?

Great work BTWhand6.gif

Tony, it is to house my furnace and firewood.  I use the furnace to heat my house and 2 buildings.  I live on the top of a mountain and the wind is pretty wicked in the winter so the building gives me some protection from the elements while firing the furnace and gives me a place to keep my firewood nice and dry.

Sorry Tony, I just realized I didnt really answer your question. The furnace is a wood boiler.  I have water lines running about  4 feet underground to my house and a 32'x48' car shop and a 40'x45' tractor shop.  There are pumps on the furnace that circulate the hot water to all the buildings.  I even get my domestic hot water in the house from the furnace via a heat exchanger.  We have endless hot water.  I keep the furnace going in the summer also for the domestic hot water also.  I only have to put wood in the furnace every 6 days in the summer. 

This outdoor furnace is one of the best things I have done and highly recommend to anyone if you have to heat a home.  I used to pay almost $7000 a year for heat.  This past year I spent $1800.  Once I get all my projects caught up I going to start harvesting trees on the 50 acre wooded lot we own to save even more cash.

If any of you have any ?s about outdoor furnaces PM me.  The fellow who sold me this furnace is selling his home.  If he moves out of the area I am hoping to get his dealership.  That is how much I believe in these things.