View single post by IanM
 Posted: Thu Jul 30th, 2009 06:37 am
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Joined: Sun Apr 15th, 2007
Location: Perth, Australia
Posts: 1268
Pax - even in the internet age, trust is won over a long time, and lost in a heartbeat.

I have been there, but my losses have so far just been of time, not money. I can't understand why it is that people get off on baffling with bulls**t, when all they need to do is stay away.

My favourites that have actually happened to me so far are:

1. "...please take it off the sales forums and hold it for me and then I will send you the money in a week*, a month* (insert time of your choice)..." - and then they don't get back to you;

2. "...sorry, I thought I could buy it but my baby needs braces and I had to lend my son the money to fix his PC...";


3. "...I will pay you double what you are asking to send the watch to Nigeria...".

Please!!!! mistake.gif

Scumbags deserve to be outed. I hope this one realises that all it takes in this big world is to keep your word. OK - so some deals don't work out for legit reasons. I have pulled one or two of those myself, usually because the SELLER changes the deal on me the second I am about to pay (for example - in a recent "almost" transaction, the seller changed his mind, didn't want to include the bracelet but still wanted the same money, so I pulled out) but I think that is fair. We both had choices.

It is when someone says that they will do or not do something and they break their word (in your case - twice!!) that you just have to scratch your head, cut your losses and move on. But leave a message of warning for your 3T mates ;)

Thank you - noted - you did good. Two shaftings by the one guy is enough - don't give him a third opportunity.

I do note that the "flurry of e-mails" you mention has not happened. Lesson learned now, Brayden?

Cheers - IanM