View single post by bigrustypig
 Posted: Fri Nov 13th, 2009 05:21 am
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Joined: Sat Apr 11th, 2009
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 7504
Paxman wrote: Try the water drop test. If the water forms drops you probably have a sapphire. If it spreads its probably mineral. I say probably because I've done this and sometimes received curious results.toon1.gif

Geee....thanks, Mark. I just tried it on my Pam and the water drop actually stopped and stayed put. It sort of formed a bulge. I then went to one of my officemates, grabbed his wrist and did the same on his Swatch quartzie and the water actually spread and imediately and rapidly flowed to the bezel edges. Man!!! This is good stuff, Markhand6.gif

Will this drop test work with single malt????