View single post by Simon_Leung
 Posted: Fri Nov 27th, 2009 04:34 am
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Joined: Wed Mar 19th, 2008
Location: Richmond, Canada
Posts: 1209
During the past two weeks I have been developing from severe physical pain,from the beatings I sustained as a child. The local hopsital ran some x-rays
and another hospital ran a CAT scan to see what other
hidden damage I may have suffered.

My chest has collpased which is giving me difficulty in breathing and over the weekend my hands have
swollened up,that was due to not having be able to
breathe properly. I am not angry at my dad,in fact
I was man enough years ago to forgave him.

There is cranium pressure on the right side
of my head that is effecting my hearing.
But no signs of a fracture or bloodclot,
this is the most frustrating area because the
doctors who examined me,found nothing from
the CAT scan.

I've been blaming myself for years in having mild
Dyscalculia,a form of dyslexia that pertains to
the inability to comprehend mathematic concepts
and financial planning. This is who I am and have
learned to accept it.

I'm in too much pain to continue to participate
in the forums.

Here are a group of people I would like to thank:

Mark (paxman), John (Skipdawg),Tony D, KenC,
Oscar (Oagaspar),Hucky and the rest of the administration team.

My Fellow WIS:

Murphy J,Paladin,Scottran,Nabco,Omegaman,
DM71 and of course Jeff (bigrustypig).

If I forget anyone I apologize.

You are a marvelous group of people that
I have ever met,give yourselves around of

It has been a pleasure during the year and a half,
but now I feel the time has come to bid a fond
goodbye and I wish to have my account permanently

Have a Happy Channukah and a Merry Christmas.

your friend