View single post by Hammerfjord
 Posted: Thu Dec 10th, 2009 03:00 pm
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Joined: Thu Apr 16th, 2009
Location: Arctic, Norway
Posts: 5821
Well, first: I think that the watch industry took distances with the natural ruby since a while...The hydrothermal ruby is very cheap compare to the natural and got absolutely the same physical performances demanded by the watch industry. Without beeing sure, I would guess that the new movements are supplied with hydrothermal corodum.
This article is made for the gem collectors and usual buyers who want to mount stones on jewels or to make some investment. Serious gem dealers are not foolish enough to buy that extreme crap.
The ruby when getting all top grades can go higher price than a usual diamond( I say usual because for exemple,a pink or red diamond will allways be upper class in price $/carat...)
From this fact: Many been interested to discover processes for making cheap rubies(as diamond) to fool some potential buyers or to touch a wider buyer-market.
Not to confuse with the natural heat who just burn some natural inclusions or enhence naturaly the color tonality: It's been used during thousand years and it is recognised on the trade market.

As the sapphire is the same stone as ruby( a corodum), before, it was enough to cook some bad naturaly colored sapphires with berylium to make them red or orange( orange or padparadscha are also very prized) But Berylium heating's fumes are very toxic and the Thai gem-traders try to limitate this process now. Berylium-treated stones don't get any natural color: It's all artificial.
After that, they started the glass filling process to fill the little cracks of low quality rubies to beautify them: It is a solid stone but the cracks are filled and the surface becomes better.
This process was never ment to destroy the ruby market but to help it on selling lower quality at fair price to make this expensive stone affordable: Offcourse some unscrupulous people been fooling many customers with that!
Now: This composite process is the top of the last crap invented to make a ruby affordable...Get good looking 5 carat ruby for
5 buks! Seriously,WTF??? Those stones look like a hard jelly puzzle...

For the usual glass filling who's more common to the cheap ruby:
A trained eye can see a heavy glass filled gem at naked eye or with a X10 jeweler-lens in good light.
There's 2 processes: The Bangkok with a yellowish glass tone and the Chantaburi with a pink tone glass filling who appear under high magnification(min.x80).

When you are serious about buying ruby: You never buy on the run in the street. Specialy rubies!
You buy to known sources who refuse to trade with modified stones and verify the stone yourself if you can: If not , let the job for a gemologist!
There was very few traders in Thailand who denied to trade with modified corodums and they are still there, standing proud: Integrity pays and last longer!
If you want to go to the source,on site, like those traders, be a pro or get loose: You may take a bullet when you leave the mine across the jungle...Remember: Money kills.

Those gems who are heavily modified, are created for the small poor collectors, stupid investors or gambling jewelers with no shame: Not for the watch industry because there, they know what corodum(natural or not) they are buying and they cut it themself to them specifications. This is a new scam from Thailand who target mainly the stupid tourists or wannabee investors who believe that they can buy cheap big rubies. No real ruby is cheap when it got a great grade: NO ONE, even a rough one from the earth. Remember: People know what they dig for or what they buy from the diggers...