View single post by stew77
 Posted: Sun Jan 24th, 2010 10:50 pm
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Joined: Thu Mar 26th, 2009
Location: Colorado USA
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ncvol17 wrote: I thought Steinhart had to change their name to Debrafre Educate me, is it Debraufre in the US and Steinhart outside the US?

Well...ncvol17...I'm sure that there are some great WIS's here at 3T that know what is really going on between Steinhart and Debaufre. is what I have heard (but I have no basis as to what is truth and current now that we are in 2010).

Debaufre was originally set up to be Steinhart's USA distributor, and you will notice that the product lines looked identical except for very minor dial badging and maybe a few color option differences.  I have recently read (but have no knowledge that this is fact) that the Steinhart / Debaufre partnership is over. 

Like I said, I have no idea if this is really the case...the one thing that I have noticed is that the new designs from these two companies seem to be diverging quite a bit.  In particular, the new pilots from these companies and the NEW Triton from both really have taken different design paths.

One thing I do know, they both produce great quality timepieces at very, very reasonable prices.