View single post by stew77
 Posted: Mon May 10th, 2010 11:31 pm
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Joined: Thu Mar 26th, 2009
Location: Colorado USA
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Steve Laughlin wrote: Keeping with our simplicity and clean dials, here is a dial with numbers... We can discuss colors after the dial designs are complete, but I think the bronze case will not look good with colored dials, we can use the new dial designs in the steel case and make them blue or orange or have a few colors or styles.

That looks very good Steve!...I am actually a huge fan of you Moray Dart Dial (I have a Blasted Dart Dial that is still one of my favorites), but the numeric dial with number at 3, 6, 9, 12 only is very, very cool and would suit the bronze very nicely.

What do you think about making the five minute markers into "mini darts" instead of rectangles...same dimensions, but the rectangle markers would essentially be triangles with the top of the triangle pointing into the dial...subtle, but I think would sort of bring together the two Moray dial designs nicely!!!

...and I think I actually like the minute markers as "lines" instead of "dots" like you have in the original Dart design...just seems more precise IMO.

I would combine "line" markers for the minutes, with "mini darts" (ie. triangles) for the 5-minute markers.  I don't know...maybe I'm being picky, but if it's not too difficult could post that one side-by-side with this one!!!



Last edited on Mon May 10th, 2010 11:32 pm by stew77