View single post by nrg
 Posted: Sun Oct 16th, 2005 04:22 pm
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Joined: Mon Sep 5th, 2005
Location: Iowa USA
Posts: 1115
There's a big difference between something we regret doing once in our lifetime and what those posts say JS has done repeatedly.

Or Ology wrote:
I'm assuming by your post that you think it's ok for someone like JS to have done these things to many people and not be held accountable. There is no witch hunt or conspriracy, just people getting to the bottom of something rotten. 
Gosh, thanks for letting my "obtuseness" slide. Big of you.

Could you be brave enough to detail what exactly JS supposedly did to "many people"? What are "these things" and could you give some actual evidence to show that they actually did occur? Perhaps you could reply with attachments showing scans of incriminating paperwork and the like? Otherwise, it's all a bunch of unsubstantiated stories that we either have to choose to believe or disregard.

If you can't provide evidence, I see no need to drag him through the mud further. I might also add that every person reading this sentence has done at least one thing in his or her life over which they could be publicly pilloried on a forum such as this. I hope for your sake no one ever decides to do this to you.