View single post by murphy j
 Posted: Fri Jun 11th, 2010 10:37 pm
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murphy j

Joined: Thu Oct 11th, 2007
Location: Home Again With My Loving Family
Posts: 1613
mousikorygxos wrote:  Do citizens in the US have to join the National Guard? In Greece all men have to do their millitary service but only professionals are sent to missions abroad.

Hi Dimitrios. The short answer to your question is No, military service in the US is all voluntary. The National Guard is considered a professional force nowadays, but hasn't always been so. In my case and many others, the National Guard is a way for me to continue my military service after leaving the regular Army, yet move forward with a regular life and limit the hardships for family that are so often seen with the regular Army. We are controled at a state level, but can be called up every few years to do up to a year of Federal service. We also are used at a state level to help in cases of civil unrest and natural disasters.