View single post by timesofplenty
 Posted: Thu Jan 13th, 2011 12:39 pm
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Joined: Thu Apr 22nd, 2010
Location: Los Angeles, California USA
Posts: 951
Hammerfjord wrote: oagaspar wrote:
Hammerfjord wrote: watchdaddy1 wrote:
watchdaddy1 wrote:
Tony Duronio wrote: bigrustypig wrote:
Tony Duronio wrote:
Crux CX-4 the one the gang at WUS love to hatesubtlelaugh.gif


Really? I wonder what would make them hate a watch like this....

Ignorance in a word Jeff

Jeff & Tony I just learned of this controversy 3 wks ago...Sounds like a bunch of girls fighting over the boy they broke up w/....WUS as of late is really a shody shifty place. WTF happened

SAS happened...If they was so worry about getting them "wrong designed" cases sold away to someone else, why didn't they buy them to destroy them after? If I was obsessed by having the exclusivity, I would have bought them anyway and crushed them myself in my backyard, eating the cost

Will I know what is about just dont understand the drama behind it

This is due to the constant presence of gossip-chicks flowing around, who would just pay hard cash to get bad stories to say about other forums and them members: My forum is full of smarties and your's full of idiots Lalalala!
I guess that those unsecure and fragile heads are blowing them self-image up this way...By spiting on others.
As I said: SAS took responsability of this when they let those cases flying around.
What did they think? That the case producent would trash them instead of using/selling them? HAHAHA!
I call this: Calculated risk
that case has been used for many years by many brands and the SAS dial is a rip off of the Panerai yet not one of those BOZOs say a word...Ralf Tech was using that case in 08' and Panerai made it famous....amazing how little some know about I said above...Monkeys playing the fool!...sadly some of the micro brands rely on the stupidity displayed on that forum in order to sell their watches.

I agree with that. When I say "SAS's cases", I don't mean that they took the design out of the blue...
I just mean that it was them first case order who went to another place.
Offcourse SAS never invented any hot-dog: They just warmed it again...

All I gotta say is: