View single post by stew77
 Posted: Sat Jul 9th, 2011 01:44 pm
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Joined: Thu Mar 26th, 2009
Location: Colorado USA
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oagaspar wrote: I like the design Chris,but I have my doubts on the builder,his experience with watches in general,which no one has even asked once,and who he is paying to do the 1st review,who everyone knows only produces positive reviews in trade for watches.
..I wish Ben the  best,but whenever I hear,"Chinese cases being shipped off to Switzerland for final assembly and inspection",I just don't see that plane taking off from China...price the watch accordingly and I'm there.

Yes...fair enough, and I agree...within the current watch industry (with likely some big names included too), it seems like "it's not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true that counts", which as we all know is a shame.

It seems like all we can do is our best due diligence...and seek the best advice that we can from those in the know...I appreciate the inputs guys.

Ben seems like a good guy, and like you I wish him the best...I must admit he really has me with a compelling design.