View single post by oagaspar
 Posted: Sun Jul 17th, 2011 04:49 pm
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Joined: Sun Sep 4th, 2005
Location: Akron, USA
Posts: 28138
this horse has been beat to death...fact is CRUX is near Sold Out of all 300 cases...the next offering will be the last remaining cases being done in a custom order PVD,as per customer request...once those are gone the new CRUX design will be revealed,completed and ready to sell,leaving SAS all the glory of the mysteriously designed case forever,and to sell his 1st 100 LE Longios(many of which have already been in warranty repair)...that 1000's of WIS on WUS said they would know,vote with your wallets and all that BS>
seems to me CRUX had greater success in the end.