View single post by stew77
 Posted: Sat Aug 27th, 2011 12:39 pm
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Joined: Thu Mar 26th, 2009
Location: Colorado USA
Posts: 10252
Tony, Eric, William, Greg, Trent, John, William, Tony, Mark, and Oscar!!!...thank you all for the kind words and congrats on the Alpina!!!thankyou.gif

It is amazing that we have so many Alpina fans here at 3T, given that the brand tends to be under-rated and underappreciated it seems (not really surprising though since the WIS's here at 3T can easily discern between the pretenders and the real deal).thumbsup.gif

William...thanks for the extra info on the advertising levels spent by various brands...I agree with you, it seems like Alpina is much more popular over in Europe than in the USA for sure.  Good note on the seconds hand too, I actually noticed that while taking the dog for a walk a couple evenings the seconds hand drifts over the lume areas, you can see that it is alive and ticking.

Trent - So, did you pull the trigger yet buddy?!

Mark - I say go for's a fantastic piece, and would look great next to your excellent Regulator!