View single post by FnuSnu99
 Posted: Sat Jan 14th, 2012 07:06 am
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Joined: Thu Jan 20th, 2011
Location: Land Of The Norsemen
Posts: 720
William, unfortunately this is looking more and more like you were right from the start. And that Ronny Olsen aka ronnanol is in fact a lying piece of scamming s..t! Really, how much "proof" do we need here? I have made conclusions based on much less before ...That turned out to be right.

I feel extra bad that I actually believed him in his PM´s  and that he kept me believing that he in fact was trying to find a solution to this.
Now there are WAY to many coincidences her to look away from. And in addition to you links I have learnt that he has sold the same Breitling mentioned on Breitlingsource also on a Norwegian equivalent of ebay. He really is a big A-hole!!!

He is a member on an Norwegian watch forum also (the one we have) and this is also a BIG thread over here in our forum. The consencus have been more or less exactly the same as here on 3T, until now. Two Norwegian forum members have their watches in the mail to Ronny Olsen as we speak, and have made arrangements to trade watches. And we are talking yet another PAM and an IWC here, so not small sums here.

Sorry to say William ,but you were right. This is a scam, and you are probably out all your money. I for one will do what I can to make his life as hard as possible, because this will not just fly in my book. And that is the feeling most others have on the Norwegian forum also. So he is burned now, only to late.