View single post by srh_pres
 Posted: Sat Jun 9th, 2007 06:09 pm
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Joined: Wed Nov 15th, 2006
Location: Orlando, Florida USA
Posts: 6057
MINI is the name of a Cowley, England-based subsidiary of BMW as well as that of a car produced by that subsidiary since April 2001.

The car, designed by Frank Stephenson, is marketed as a "retro" redesign of the original Mini, which was manufactured by the British Motor Corporation and its successors from 1959 to 2000. The name is written in capital letters to distinguish it from its predecessor. It is sometimes called 'The BMW MINI' or 'The New MINI'.

KenC wrote:
Don't know much about those except I drove the "ancestor" of that as a kid...the Morris-Minor.  It belonged to a freind...they do look like a lot of fun!!!