View single post by srh_pres
 Posted: Thu Oct 4th, 2007 07:34 pm
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Joined: Wed Nov 15th, 2006
Location: Orlando, Florida USA
Posts: 6057
Glad to hear it Mark... uh about getting squared away for 3 years, not missing out on the sympathy watch - but in all fairness, I think the wife's gotya there...;)

Paxman wrote:
Apparetnly my clenching was very real... alas, no watch to be found. For soem unkn own reason i seem to have a resistance to the concious sedation cocktail they provided me with intravenously. go figure, they had to use copious amounts of demerol, versed and benadryl to get me to "settle down". Apparetnly more of the drugs than are normally dispensed. Hmmmph!!

Don't remember a freakin' thing. I was right with my self diagnosis of diverticulitis and they got 7 little polyps. I'm good for three years. Too many narcotics though. I was unable to keep anything down last night and was still zoned.

It weren't so bad. The prep sux!! I tried to weasel a sympathy watch but my wife is too wise... and had her annual exam yesterday morning!!