View single post by Onkel C
 Posted: Sat Oct 20th, 2007 08:51 am
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Onkel C

Joined: Sat Mar 24th, 2007
Location: Bonn, Germany
Posts: 508
So, another chapter in the "Let's-find-a-use-for-the truckload-of-apples-that-the-parents-in-law-supplied-us-with" Series:

Meatballs with apples. Sounds odd, tastes nice. Ingredients are:

400grams mixed ground meat,
same amount of raclette cheese, sliced,
two slices of toast,
one large egg,
two onions,
three or four large apples,
salt, pepper and marjorie.

Prepare a dough from meat, bread, one finely chopped onion, egg and marjorie:

Make 6 or 7 meatballs from it and fry in a good amount of oil or clarified butter:

While they are frying away, chop and slice the apples, cut the onion in rings. When the meatballs are done, place them in a casserole and fry apples/onions with a good helping of marjorie in the same skillet:

Top the meatballs with the fried apples, shindle the raclette cheese on top and put in oven till cheese melts:

Serve with bread or mashed potatoes:
