View single post by Skipdawg
 Posted: Fri May 2nd, 2008 03:05 am
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Joined: Thu Mar 29th, 2007
Location: Washington USA
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murphy j wrote: The chowhalls are all pretty good here. If you don't watch it, you end up putting on weight. A recent study done by the Army shows that most soldiers put on an average of 15lbs while deployed. When the war first started it was completely opposite. I guess it doesn't hurt matters any that they're all run by civilian(KBR) and monitored by the military. You definately don't go hungry nowadays. Oh yeah, they have a midnite meal too.
When I was on the ship in port or deployed I almost always made Mid rats as we called it. I generally ate 4 times a day at sea. But with the job I did I worked a average of 16 hours sometimes longer and that was 7 days week till ya hit a port of call. :cool: