View single post by IanM
 Posted: Sat May 3rd, 2008 05:15 am
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Joined: Sun Apr 15th, 2007
Location: Perth, Australia
Posts: 1268
Hey scottran - I hear ya.

My flat-coated retriever lasted through a marriage, three girlfriends, four house moves and lived to be one month short of 16 years. For all that time, I was never just "Ian" - I was always "Ian and his dog" :)

You CAN live without pets, but why would you choose to do that? If you are a dog guy, and the hole in yer heart means that you want a new best buddy - then I say go for it.

Your avatar of Brandy shows a dog that I reckon would have had a quick wit, attentive eyes and that sure has a look of "I trust you and I am your buddy" all over her face. If you can recapture that and gain a new companion - I hope YOUR life becomes filled with more happiness, friendship and the unconmditional love and trust that only a good dog can provide.

Good luck - and you be sure to let us see photos if you end up finding your missing half. I can promise you we understand where you are coming from.

Cheers good sir! IanMThumbsUp02.gif