View single post by Skipdawg
 Posted: Sat May 3rd, 2008 11:51 pm
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Joined: Thu Mar 29th, 2007
Location: Washington USA
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scottran wrote: Skipdawg wrote: That is one adorable pup there Scott. colors match up with my Hali and Kali. LOL ;) 
Thanks Skip,  I noticed your kitties were black and white .  We had a b& w cat years back.  He was a hemmingway... he had thumbs.  His front paws were like catchers mits.  He was one cool cat. He was laid back.  He would let Brandy do anything to him and he would just lay there and take it.  We still have his sister but you cant get anywhere near her.  Makes me mad cause she is a beautiful cat. I miss him.  He ran away, sucks.

Yea Hali and Kali are Boston Wire hairs. The black one Gabi is just a mix of unknowns and then my boy Stalker is a gray marble Bengal. He has thumbs. He can hold one of my fingers like he is holding my hand when laying next to me. :)