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1.  No names or emails were obtained from IT. (They came from the WUS database where those whose names I/Cheeps provided are members.)

2.   I/Cheeps did not send any of these emails

3.  The conduct of s*****n is what is embarrassing, not the revelation of the truth.

Or Ology

So was anyone on this forum burned (pun not intended) by that person from his cigar days? If not, I'm not sure how that situation--about which we don't know veracity--has any bearing on our discussion of collecting watches. Is the idea just to discredit him as someone who could reputably dispense collectible watches?

In other words, is this a tit-for-tat, witch hunt situation that is all about personal vendettas? Or is this considered a real watch discussion? I come to watch forums to, you know, discuss watches. I don't come here to discuss people's impressions of show hosts, personal beefs, political beliefs, stances on abortion or capital punishment, or anything else of that nature. If I'm in the minority, let me know.


P.S. I am not related to or a personal friend of said person. I am a member of WUS, IT, 3T, and other watch forums.


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Since being obtuse isn't a crime we'll let it slide on your account. It's not a matter of whether or not he has personally stolen or attempted to con any of us out of money or goods. I think the fact that he is a public figure trying to "sell"(I use the term very loosely) watches to the general public and using these forums to undermine and wage his dishonesty on the rest of us is reason enough for this exposition. I'm assuming by your post that you think it's ok for someone like JS to have done these things to many people and not be held accountable. There is no witch hunt or conspriracy, just people getting to the bottom of something rotten. 

Or Ology wrote:
So was anyone on this forum burned (pun not intended) by that person from his cigar days? If not, I'm not sure how that situation--about which we don't know veracity--has any bearing on our discussion of collecting watches. Is the idea just to discredit him as someone who could reputably dispense collectible watches?

In other words, is this a tit-for-tat, witch hunt situation that is all about personal vendettas? Or is this considered a real watch discussion? I come to watch forums to, you know, discuss watches. I don't come here to discuss people's impressions of show hosts, personal beefs, political beliefs, stances on abortion or capital punishment, or anything else of that nature. If I'm in the minority, let me know.


P.S. I am not related to or a personal friend of said person. I am a member of WUS, IT, 3T, and other watch forums.


Man, do you know all of these people personally---so you can vouch that each and every one lost??? or are you like some others, just pushing the ball so that it gets larger and larger???? come on, be an adult and stop slinging the Horse**** just to settle a grudge or whatever.




nrg wrote:
Since being obtuse isn't a crime we'll let it slide on your account. It's not a matter of whether or not he has personally stolen or attempted to con any of us out of money or goods. I think the fact that he is a public figure trying to "sell"(I use the term very loosely) watches to the general public and using these forums to undermine and wage his dishonesty on the rest of us is reason enough for this exposition. I'm assuming by your post that you think it's ok for someone like JS to have done these things to many people and not be held accountable. There is no witch hunt or conspriracy, just people getting to the bottom of something rotten. 

Or Ology wrote:
So was anyone on this forum burned (pun not intended) by that person from his cigar days? If not, I'm not sure how that situation--about which we don't know veracity--has any bearing on our discussion of collecting watches. Is the idea just to discredit him as someone who could reputably dispense collectible watches?

In other words, is this a tit-for-tat, witch hunt situation that is all about personal vendettas? Or is this considered a real watch discussion? I come to watch forums to, you know, discuss watches. I don't come here to discuss people's impressions of show hosts, personal beefs, political beliefs, stances on abortion or capital punishment, or anything else of that nature. If I'm in the minority, let me know.


P.S. I am not related to or a personal friend of said person. I am a member of WUS, IT, 3T, and other watch forums.

Or Ology

I'm assuming by your post that you think it's ok for someone like JS to have done these things to many people and not be held accountable. There is no witch hunt or conspriracy, just people getting to the bottom of something rotten. 
Gosh, thanks for letting my "obtuseness" slide. Big of you.

Could you be brave enough to detail what exactly JS supposedly did to "many people"? What are "these things" and could you give some actual evidence to show that they actually did occur? Perhaps you could reply with attachments showing scans of incriminating paperwork and the like? Otherwise, it's all a bunch of unsubstantiated stories that we either have to choose to believe or disregard.

If you can't provide evidence, I see no need to drag him through the mud further. I might also add that every person reading this sentence has done at least one thing in his or her life over which they could be publicly pilloried on a forum such as this. I hope for your sake no one ever decides to do this to you.


Joined: Mon Sep 5th, 2005
Location: Iowa USA
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There's a big difference between something we regret doing once in our lifetime and what those posts say JS has done repeatedly.

Or Ology wrote:
I'm assuming by your post that you think it's ok for someone like JS to have done these things to many people and not be held accountable. There is no witch hunt or conspriracy, just people getting to the bottom of something rotten. 
Gosh, thanks for letting my "obtuseness" slide. Big of you.

Could you be brave enough to detail what exactly JS supposedly did to "many people"? What are "these things" and could you give some actual evidence to show that they actually did occur? Perhaps you could reply with attachments showing scans of incriminating paperwork and the like? Otherwise, it's all a bunch of unsubstantiated stories that we either have to choose to believe or disregard.

If you can't provide evidence, I see no need to drag him through the mud further. I might also add that every person reading this sentence has done at least one thing in his or her life over which they could be publicly pilloried on a forum such as this. I hope for your sake no one ever decides to do this to you.

Desert Dog

Normally, (well, "lately" anyway! :shock:), I'd refrain from "wading" into this "discussion", but, sometimes, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do ... so here goes nuthin' ...

I don't doubt for one instant that there are numerous individuals over on "CF" (Cigar Family) who, for one reason for another, are upset with "You-Know-Who" (YKW!)  I suspect that a few may have quite valid reasons and the majority probably don't.

Be that as it may ... I frankly believe that, at this stage of the game, there would have at least been some pending legal action and/or criminal charges IF (1.) there were sufficient grounds, (2.) enough people were willing to go "to the mat" AND "on the record", and (3.) any specific laws had been broken. 

Now, before casting stones my way, please hear me out ...

I know from personal experience that often (not always, but often!), folks tend to get "stirred up" who really don't have a stake in whatever transgression allegedly occurred.  Some of these people just want to be a "player" and others are just plain trouble-makers.

The Bottom Line is this:  IF there WERE anything REALLY serious going on here, I can't help but believe that someplace, sometime, somewhere ... somebody would have convinced an attorney and/or "the law" that legal action needed to be taken against YKW! ...

... And, gee, let's assume the "best case scenario" for these folks; i.e., that they went to the "lowest-common-denominator" scumbag lawyer out there - you know, the kind who would sue his/her own mother over a bag of peanuts! - and solicit him/her to take on their cause!

BUT, well, uhmmm .... er, uhhh ... it hasn't happened HAS IT!

So, failing that, I think it would be extremely WISE AND PRUDENT to give YKW the "space" to make amends with anyone/anywhere whom he may have offended and/or allegedly took unfair financial vantage of by promptly making restitution to these folks.

I believe that YKW may now finally be in a financial position that would facilitate this option and I suspect that he'd be willin' to do whatever it takes to just put it all "behind him." HEY! If he doesn't, then "let the chips fall where they may!"

BUT, in the interim, PLEASE ... Just give it some room to happen and let the "parties who really matter" work with each other to resolve this matter like responsible adults.  Then, if they're STILL not satisfied, let 'em "put up or shut up" once and for all by settling it in court!

I suspect that there's a "successful plumber" out there in McLean, Virginia, who might agree with me on this ... and, well, as for the rest of the CF-er's - those who still want to complain can still try to find a good weasel ... I mean attorney ... who'll go tippin' at windmills with 'em!  (I repeat ... Gottah wonder, tho' ... how come they haven't already initiated some legal action! :?)

Let it go folks, just let it go and let the few "interested parties" who really have issues in this debate work it out. Otherwise, there might truly be hell to pay on every side.

I have to wonder when/if "push comes to shove" in this matter, just how many of those good folks over in the CF Forum would be willin' to testify under oath regarding all the allegations that have been spinning around over there - and, now, unfortunately, over here!

AND IF THEY OR ANYONE IN HERE isn't able 'n willin' to "commit to the exercise", then they really need to think about the "flip side" of the issue; i.e., somethin' called "Defammation of Character In A Public Forum." 

Unlike all the other things that may or may not have occurred over on "CF", if things keep goin' the way they are, there's soon going to be "sufficient cause" in here alone for a nice, juicy, civil action that some scumbag lawyer WILL accept this time! IS ANY of this worth gambling over the likelihood that you may receive a suphoena tomorrow or the day after? 

Why in the hell aren't we talkin' about watches and slappin' each other on the backs instead of across the face?  What the hell is goin' on around here, anyway?

Innuendo's, Rumors and "Rumors of War" (BTW, Great Book ... read it!) tend to spin out of control with time and distance.  IMHO, this matter doesn't merit going to war ... IF IT DID, believe me, it would have started a long time ago!

You have to pick your battles in life and, IMHO, for most of us ... this isn't our battle.  We need to stay out of it and let those who feel they've been wronged either "cease and desist" making allegations in a public forum OR prove 'em in a court-of-law!

'Nuf Sed.  Smoke 'em if ya' got 'em!









Last edited on Mon Oct 17th, 2005 04:48 am by

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Larry you need to know the Law in order to exercise it here! Defamation of Charactor on an Open Forum is impossible to prove first and foremost! The link has already been on an open forum for over a year! For someone to make a judgement ...on their own... from what they read is called the 1st Amendment! Meaning ....everyone has a right to think what they want...even openly on a forum ! Choose your battles wisely my friend,but please choose another Forum!!! I have been openly Slandered and Defamed by Your YKH...several Times ...I have the Posts and more than Enough e-mails from this  Individual to Prove it! I have the ability to Post these e-mails(some using aliases he may not like to see published) at any time that I please,but being a Gentleman I have not!...Like Some  Of Mine(edited by someone) have Been posted on Open Forum...again You Know Who You are,and I have the Copies!!  ...so go back to your YKH and tell him his Threats whether they be through you Larry!! ,or anyone else are not well taken here at 3T ! Now you are Welcome here as is Natgas and Or Ology ..the Door is always Open!,But if you Don't Like what is Said here.......well than don't Let the Door hit you in the Ass on the Way Out !! Here You Have that Option...at IT you're Just Banned or Locked out if You Don't agree with your YKH!!!


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So let me get this straight, if an offended party isn't willing to go to court in order to prove that they have been wronged, then they couldn't have truly been wronged?

Now I get it.  So...............since YKW, aka Corona Gorda, hasn't sued these "liars" and "defamers" who have posted all of these accusations on the internet, of which CG has been well aware, then I guess he hasn't been wrongly accused either!

AHA!!!!  Interesting point, Desert Dog.......................Kool-Aid, anyone?

Last edited on Mon Oct 17th, 2005 10:55 am by KenC


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KenC wrote: So let me get this straight, if an offended party isn't willing to go to court in order to prove that they have been wronged, then they couldn't have truly been wronged?

Now I get it.  So...............since YKW, aka Corona Gorda, hasn't sued these "liars" and "defamers" who have posted all of these accusations on the internet, of which CG has been well aware, then I guess he hasn't been wrongly accused either!

AHA!!!!  Interesting point, Desert Dog.......................Kool-Aid, anyone?

Well guys, I don't know about you, but I don't consider a "cigar forum" to be an appropriate tribunal for weighing evidence pro and con regarding YKW.  I require just a wee bit more substance and veracity than I witnessed in that "forum."  If you choose to blindly jump on the cigar bandwagon, be my guest!  But do you really want to accept those rantings as the gospel?


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pacifichrono wrote:

There are 2 Sides to Every Story  ....Agreed  ? So until anyone can Provide anything Other than  What is on The CF Forum / Opinions will continue to Be Split... Hopefully No  More Friendships Are Destroyed  over  Reoccurring Topics  involving YKH !  Tom... if You Have any  Irrefuteable Proof to the Contrary Please Post It. KenC wrote: So let me get this straight, if an offended party isn't willing to go to court in order to prove that they have been wronged, then they couldn't have truly been wronged?

Now I get it.  So...............since YKW, aka Corona Gorda, hasn't sued these "liars" and "defamers" who have posted all of these accusations on the internet, of which CG has been well aware, then I guess he hasn't been wrongly accused either!

AHA!!!!  Interesting point, Desert Dog.......................Kool-Aid, anyone?

Well guys, I don't know about you, but I don't consider a "cigar forum" to be an appropriate tribunal for weighing evidence pro and con regarding YKW.  I require just a wee bit more substance and veracity than I witnessed in that "forum."  If you choose to blindly jump on the cigar bandwagon, be my guest!  But do you really want to accept those rantings as the gospel?



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O.A. Gaspar wrote:  Tom... if You Have any  Irrefuteable Proof to the Contrary Please Post It. Oscar, as I said, the rantings in a cigar forum do not warrant any kind of response.  I'm not defending the person, I'm defending the process we use for condoning vilification.

Desert Dog

Oscar, you are, of course, certainly welcome to your viewpoint and I appreciate you letting me express mine "over here!"  Now, besides the fact that I was tryin' to stomp out a lit fuse that's burnin' its way up to a BIG keg o' dynamite,  I just had to "get it ALL off my chest."

I hope 'n trust that you WILL believe me when I sincerely tell you that no one put me up to it - I did it on my own initiative 'cause I thought it was the right thing to do.  :shock:

Regardless, as my ol' Boss used to say to me, "Well, I guess we'll just agree to disagree." ... on this one! :?

Now, gotta tell you 'n everyone ... I like this Forum a lot and hold no ill will towards anyone.  I consider you all my friends.  I also appreciate the fact that friends will not always see things the same and, may, now 'n then, express their feelings ... like I did last night. :)

Now, I've "said my piece" on this issue and, in the future, I'm gonna stick to the stuff I like best ... uhmmm ... watches 'n discussions "about time" with my friends - wherever they may be on the 'Net. I'm always ready, willin' 'n able to "report for duty" on that scene when/if anyone wants to join me in here or anywhere else we may "belly up to the bar." :P

BEST REGARDS To EVERYone ... and I Mean IT! :)  :cool:  ;)



Last edited on Mon Oct 17th, 2005 01:52 pm by

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Desert Dog wrote:
Thank you Larry ,and Tom Sometimes I think Many of us think with Our Emotions...Myself Included ! I Had an enlightening Discussion with a Watch Forum Veteran over the Weekend ...I was Reminded of the Comradery and Friendships among the Members and How We All Came to each Others Aid whenever Called Forof the Donations made to the Soldiers and to Members in there Time of need.....We were more than a Bunch of WIS' out Of Our Minds ...Head over Heels about our Love of TimepiecesWe were Family......I Am Hoping to Bring That Feeling Back,whether that be Here Or Any Other Forum Dedicated to What Once Was ......I Would Shut this Place Down and be First in Line to Have that Feeling again I learned More,Felt more,and remember laughing hysterically at Posts ...I Looked forward to logging on the old Invicta Forum Oscar, you are, of course, certainly welcome to your viewpoint and I appreciate you letting me express mine.  I just had to "get it ALL off my chest."

I hope 'n trust that you WILL believe me when I sincerely tell you that no one put me up to it - I did it on my own initiative 'cause I thought it was the right thing to do.  :shock:

Regardless, as my ol' Boss used to say to me, "Well, I guess we'll just agree to disagree." ... on this one! :?

Now, gotta tell you 'n everyone ... I like this Forum a lot and hold no ill will towards anyone.  I consider you all my friends.  I also appreciate the fact that friends will not always see things the same and, may, now 'n then, express their feelings ... like I did last night. :)

Now, I've "said my piece" on this issue and, in the future, I'm gonna stick to the stuff I like best ... uhmmm ... watches 'n discussions "about time" with my friends - wherever they may be on the 'Net. I'm always ready, willin' 'n able to "report for duty" on that scene when/if anyone wants to join me in here or anywhere else we may "belly up to the bar." :P

BEST REGARDS To EVERYone ... and I Mean IT! :)  :cool:  ;)



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