View single post by murphy j
 Posted: Sun Jan 18th, 2009 12:19 pm
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murphy j

Joined: Thu Oct 11th, 2007
Location: Home Again With My Loving Family
Posts: 1613
Last night, the wife and I, went out for dinner and a movie. The movie we went and saw was The new Clint Eastwood flick 'Gran Torino'. The wife wasn't that enthused about seeing it, thinking it was stupid from the previews she had seen, but was kind enough to go because I wanted to. She got surprised, because she really liked it and she also cried at the end. I won't say that this movie is going to win any oscars, but it was a really good flick that I enjoyed and don't feel like I got ripped off at the box office. Be warned though, if you go see it, be prepared to hear a lot of racial slurs come out of Clint Eastwoods mouth. If you're easily offended then this movie isn't for you, but if you can remember that it's just a character he's playing and take it for what it is (a fictional character in a story) then by all means, go and enjoy a good movie with a friend or significant other.ThumbsUp02.gif