View single post by Simon_Leung
 Posted: Thu Apr 1st, 2010 02:08 am
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Joined: Wed Mar 19th, 2008
Location: Richmond, Canada
Posts: 1209
It's been a long time since I've heard the song Melissa,through
the speaker of a 1973 Ford Maverick Sedan,in late 1975.
Like most things from my fondest childhood memories,it
was a rainy Wednesday night and my mom had to do some shopping.
This song played out on the car's radio,as I sat in the front seat as we
drove home.

As I am typing this post, I have a CD loaded onto the Windows Media Player...
man, the sound is so much clearer as though it was just recorded.
It's a shame that music such as this aren't being made anymore.

Thank you Gregg Allman,the late Duane Allman, the late Berry Oakley,
Butch Trucks,Jai Johanny Johnson and Dickie Betts for 35 years of happiness.
