View single post by srh_pres
 Posted: Thu Apr 29th, 2010 08:57 pm
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Joined: Wed Nov 15th, 2006
Location: Orlando, Florida USA
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Nabco wrote: srh_pres wrote: Nabco wrote: srh_pres wrote: Nabco wrote: I've been thinking about it, I have the Storm 1 also, kind of waiting to see if Verizon get's the iPhone in the fall.

Does email work the same way on the Droid as on the BB

Gmail is the primary email account - it and exchange are the only push accounts.  You can link up to 4 PoP email accounts similarly to the BB, but they will only notify when you enter the email widget and it refreshes. 

So the emails do not come in without going to the it's different then the way the BB works....that would be a hassle for me

They come in for gmail and any exchange accounts...   Just the other pop accounts have to be refreshed, like yahoo or hotmail.  This may change in a future version of Android, or there may be an app in Market that can go out and schedule refreshes. 

OK, so if I connect to a corporate email account that works...I may still hold out for the CDMA iPhone with Verizon

Correct... if you connect to a corporate email server using exchange, then yes it works.    You might wanna just go by the store and try the Inc out - after what happened with the Nexus One getting dumped, who knows if the iPhone will make it or not.  The trend seems to be Android devices, and they actually now have a bigger market share then iPhone does.... ;)