View single post by FnuSnu99
 Posted: Thu Mar 3rd, 2011 12:53 am
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Joined: Thu Jan 20th, 2011
Location: Land Of The Norsemen
Posts: 720
Interesting disgussion absolutely.
My wife, and her friends all have "mens watches", meaning large (from 42mm and up)
But what is apperently really hot in these parts of the woods (Norway/Sweden) is SD"hommages", but in PLASTIC!!! And in every insane colour you can think of. There`s a whole lot of crappy cheap brands that make them, and when I tried to buy one (overpirced at $55) for a christmas present, they vere all but sold out all over.
So looks like the trend (at least here) is larger watches, but light/plastic.
And my wife also has a hard time with the whole "what, it`s not ever accurate? And I have to wind it and adjust it?!" She couldn`t see any reason for why one would by anything other than a quartz with minmal service needs ...