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Joined: Tue Aug 16th, 2011
Location: Ireland
Posts: 269
Now to say i dont regret selling my A1 is an understatement

every time i stop looking one appears with superdome, eta and orange minute and and is snapped up.

now i look on the site and there's a 42mm bronze version for less than $400!!!

has anyone received this, is there a review and more importantly is there a comparo of the larger version side-by-side

the 42mm is getting very like the typhoon...

is there a 42mm steel version in the works?


Joined: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012
Posts: 7
I love that Chris has released a 42mm A1, but it doesn't appear to have the superdome.  For me, the superdome really makes the A1 so I hope that a 42mm A1 will be released with a superdome and also hoping for stainless steel or bronze!! I would buy one in a second then!!   ThumbsUp02.gif

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