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Joined: Fri Apr 10th, 2015
Posts: 1
I don't see any threads on the A6. I fell in love with this watch the second I saw it - I had never even heard of Armida, or knew how much I liked the look of the explorer til I saw this watch.

My dad has an explorer that will be mine one day, but I'm in my twenties and not really comfortable with such an expensive watch. The A6 is my first automatic and I am extremely happy with it. It runs a bit fast (roughly ten, maybe more, seconds a day) but it is consistent so it's not an issue for me. I love the silver case with gold accents, and the lume is very pretty.

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Joined: Sat Apr 11th, 2009
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 7504
I think you made a very good choice with that piece. The hands are excellent Mercedes hands and lovely.

On a separate note, best time to start enjoying a Crown i when you are in your twenties the decades of relationship you will get to build with a Crown is something else.

Enjoy the piece

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