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Custom Made Watches  Rate Topic 
 Posted: Mon Nov 6th, 2017 01:04 pm
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Joined: Mon Nov 6th, 2017
Location: USA
Posts: 1
Hello everyone, I have just recently joined the forums and I am really excited to interact with everyone!
I have recently been playing around with an idea of starting a watch business. I have been involved with watches for as long as I can remember due to my dad.

I have the idea of starting a company that specializes in custom watch orders. This website would have a custom design tool on the website allowing you to choose between a few different case options, (dressy and classy, sporty with chrono, and every day and rugged). They then would be able to choose between corresponding movements depending on each case. They also have the option to choose how they want their custom dial. They will literally be able to put almost anything on this dial.
At the end of the watch custom tool, they may also choose between a good number of bands.

This is obviously a very rough description and there are many more factors to consider with technicalities.
I would really like to hear from all of you if this sounds interesting. If you could provide an age range as well as gender, and a price range that you would be willing to pay for for one of these watches that will be manufactured with high end materials including movements.

Thank you for being considerate, I am taking this seriously and want some very good valid input.

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 Posted: Mon Dec 18th, 2017 02:24 am
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Joined: Tue Dec 12th, 2017
Posts: 8
Interesting, I would like to give that a try. I'm looking to purchase a custom-made watch for myself this Christmas after I'm done with modifying my truck's fabtech lift.

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