View single post by Hammerfjord
 Posted: Mon Mar 18th, 2013 07:28 am
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Joined: Thu Apr 16th, 2009
Location: Arctic, Norway
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Luminated wrote:
Hammerfjord wrote: Luminated wrote:
Can someone tell me if the bronze makes the A1 heavier or lighter than the regular s/steel version?

Any bronze alloy is heavier than S.Steel...
Around 10% depending of the bronze alloy. So the difference isn't so bad.
Thanks for joining!

Thanks. The regular A1 isn't a ball buster weight wise to begin with so I'm happy it's not too much more.

The idea of a titanium version is interesting, though hardly as exciting to look at as a nice bronze watch with patina. ThumbsUp02.gif

Some WIS don't like much the titanium versions as they don't feel the weight as much as before and maybe experience it as way too light to have a good presence... It's a matter of taste.
A superdome crystal add some weight as well on a regular watch.
But I don't own any Armida and couldn't tell how an original S.Steel feels on the wrist.
For the patina, you will have more nuances and possibilities with the bronze models than the titaniums even they tend to take a small patina sometimes.